
Find Support and Receive The Help You Need

NAMI Jacksonville offers free support groups in safe environments for those with mental health disorders, their families, caregivers, and friends. Support groups are available throughout Northeast Florida, and run on a reliable recurring basis. If you are curious about a support group, you are welcome to attend without commitment.

A image of 2 hands holding a paper cut out of a heart together

Support Groups

Please note: On May 1, 2024, the Zoom registration links for the virtual support groups changed.
Click on the 'Learn More' button for your support group to re-register.

Family Support

Family Support Groups are open only to family members, care givers, and friends of a loved one with mental illness seeking support, compassion, and education about caring for their loved one.

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A image of a family together
A image of two people together

Peer Support

Connection Recovery Support Groups are open only to individuals living with mental illness who are seeking support, compassion, and recovery.

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Youth & Young Adult Support

Youth (high school age) Support Groups and Young Adult (age 18-30) Support Groups are open only to individuals withing the age ranges with mental illness seeking support, compassion, and education about recovery.

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A image of a family together
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